Bathurst - Standard option (based on approx 50 laps per person)  (Minimum price $868, based on 14 people)

Bathurst - Standard option (based on approx 50 laps per person) (Minimum price $868, based on 14 people)

This race package is based on approximately 50 laps per driver with a minimum of 14 people based of 2 or more drivers per team. EXAMPLE - EACH TEAM WILL COMPLETE: 12 laps team warm-up (4 laps per driver) 100 lap endurance relay

Desde NZD 62,00 NZ$
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Bathurst - Upgraded option  (based on approx 60 laps per person)  (Minimum price $1008, based on 14 people)

Bathurst - Upgraded option (based on approx 60 laps per person) (Minimum price $1008, based on 14 people)

This race package is based on approximately 60 laps per driver with a minimum of 14 people based of 2 or more drivers per team. EXAMPLE - EACH TEAM WILL COMPLETE: 12 laps team warm-up (4 laps per driver) 120 lap endurance relay

Desde NZD 72,00 NZ$
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NZGP - Event 8  (Minimum price $620, based on 10 people)

NZGP - Event 8 (Minimum price $620, based on 10 people)

Our NZGP race packages are great for Team Building in Nelson at Pro Karts

  • Duración: 90 Minutos (aproximadamente)
Desde NZD 62,00 NZ$
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NZGP - Event 9  (Minimum price $680, based on 10 people)

NZGP - Event 9 (Minimum price $680, based on 10 people)

Our NZGP race packages are great for Team Building in Nelson at Pro Karts

  • Duración: 90 Minutos (aproximadamente)
Desde NZD 68,00 NZ$
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Bathurst - Basic option (based on approx 40 laps per person) (Minimum price $1044, based on 18 people)

Bathurst - Basic option (based on approx 40 laps per person) (Minimum price $1044, based on 18 people)

This race package is based on approximately 40 laps per driver with a minimum of 18 people based of 3 or more drivers per team. EXAMPLE - EACH TEAM WILL COMPLETE: 12 laps team warm-up (4 laps per driver) 120 lap endurance relay

Desde NZD 58,00 NZ$
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Fun Karts NZGP

Fun Karts NZGP

Our Fun NZGP race packages are great for Team Building in Nelson at Pro Karts, Great for family events, birthdays and work functions that want to include Adults and Kids.

  • Duración: 90 Minutos (aproximadamente)
Desde NZD 52,00 NZ$
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